Web Live Caasting In India, Webcasting

Live Web Casting

We at impel intend to offer a unique service of Web casting (Web Telecasting) weddings live on the Internet. If many of your friends and relatives are unable to attend your wedding, you can simply tell them to log onto your personalized web cast area and view your wedding online.

The Virtual Wedding Guest Experience

Friends and relatives no longer need to miss all the events, excitement and conversation at a wedding mandap even though they are miles away. Now, they can share it all - with impel's personalized web casting!

All that the virtual guests have to do is to simply get connected to the Internet (with at least a 128 kbps Broadband connection), and visit the couple's wedding web cast site hosted on our site. On the web cast site, they will see a broadcast from the venue, which would have been captured, live from the video cameras. The video will be streamed at required kbps.

We can also archive your wedding functions for your family and friends so that they can view the video at any time convenient to them.

If you would like to web cast your wedding, Parties & Sweet Memories. send us a message or an email : [email protected]

with your wedding details and we will get in touch with you.

Senthil Murugesan.S


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